Alexandre ten Caten

Professor ten Caten holds both a master’s and a doctoral degree in Soil Science from the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM). Currently, he serves as an associate editor for the Ciência Rural magazine and is a scientific reviewer for prominent publications including Geoderma, Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, Scientia Agricola, Boletim de Ciências Geodésicas, and Biotemas. In addition, he is a full member of the Commission 1.3 Pedometry within Division I – Soil in space and time – of the Brazilian Society of Soil Science. Since 2012, he has held a position as a professor at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, where he instructs students in Geoprocessing. He also took on the role of pro tempore coordinator for the Graduate Program in Agricultural and Natural Ecosystems. Within UFSC Curitibanos, Alexandre actively participates in two research groups: “Conservation Agriculture” and “Soil Science.” His research interests encompass digital soil mapping and soil spectroradiometry. He supervises scientific initiation, master’s, and doctoral students. Beyond academia, he is engaged in outreach activities, collaborating with primary and secondary schools to cultivate students’ interest in Scientific Research within the realms of Soil Science and Geomatics.

Websites and social networks


The research activities carried out by Professor ten Caten can be found at:

you tube

Postgraduate orientations in progress

Orientador(a): Alexandre Ten Caten
Orientados Mestrado Nome do Curso
Matheus Sousa SilvaPós-graduação Em Ecossistemas Agrícolas E Naturais
Nicolas Matheus Ribeiro OrtizPós-graduação Em Ecossistemas Agrícolas E Naturais
Informações resgatadas do Sistema de Controle Acadêmico da Pós-Graduação. Para alterações o aluno deve contactar a secretaria do programa de pós-graduação.