Patrícia Maria Oliveira Pierre Castro

Professor Castro earned her undergraduate and master’s degrees in Biological Sciences from the Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora in 2003. She furthered her academic journey by obtaining a doctoral degree and completing a postdoctoral research in Genetics and Plant Breeding at the Universidade Federal de Lavras in 2010. Currently, she holds the position of professor at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) – Curitibanos Campus. Her expertise lies within the field of Plant Genetics, with a primary focus on Cytogenetics. Her research primarily revolves around topics such as medicinal plants, conventional/molecular cytogenetics, and palynology. In addition to her academic responsibilities, she actively participates in the Socioenvironmental Analysis in Santa Catarina Plateau Research Group and the Plant Biology and Management Studies Center (NEBIMP).

Websites and social networks


The research activities carried out by Professor Castro can be found at:

you tube

Postgraduate orientations in progress

Orientador(a): Patricia Maria Oliveira Pierre Castro
Orientados Mestrado Nome do Curso
Informações resgatadas do Sistema de Controle Acadêmico da Pós-Graduação. Para alterações o aluno deve contactar a secretaria do programa de pós-graduação.