Agricultural diseases and pests and their interaction with the environment

Professors: Adriana Terumi Itako, Leosane Cristina Bosco, Cesar Augusto Marchioro, João Batista Tolentino Jr.
Compulsory/Elective:  Elective
Course workload: 60 h
Credits: 4
Syllabus:Influence of environmental variables on plant pests and diseases. Quantification of plant diseases. Determination of plant pest density. Interactions between pests and natural enemies in agroecosystems. Mathematical models applied to the study of epidemics and the population dynamics of pests. Development and analysis of simulation models. Meteorological variables and measurements. Forecasting and risk assessment of occurrences of pests and diseases. Influence of climate change on the distribution of pests and diseases. Development and evaluation of forecasting systems. Analysis of damages and losses caused by diseases. Decision making in pest and disease management.

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AGRIOS, G.N. Plant pathology. 4th ed. New York: Academic Press, 1997. 635p.
BERGAMIN FILHO, A.; KIMATI, H.; AMORIN, L. Manual de Fitopatologia: Princípios e Conceitos. Vol. 1, Ceres: São Paulo, 2011. 704p.
EDWARDS, P.J; WRATTEN, S.D. Ecologia das interações entre insetos e plantas. São Paulo: E.P.U.: USP, c1981. 71p.
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RADCLIFFE, B., HUTCHISON, W. D., CANCELADO R. E. Integrated pest managemend: concepts, tactics, strategies and case studies. Cambridge University Press, UK, 2008. 529 pp.
RIBEIRO DO VALE, F., Jesus Júnior, W.C., Zambolim, L. Epidemiologia aplicada ao manejo de doenças de plantas. Belo Horizonte: editora Perfil, 2004. 531p.
van DRIESCHE, R. G. & BELLOWS T.S. Biological control. Chapman and Hall, New York, 1996. 539 pp.
WAJNBERG, E. & HASSAN, S.A. Biological control with egg parasitoids. CAB International, UK, 1994. 304 pp.