Geoinformation for the study of spatial interactions
Professor: Alexandre ten Caten
Compulsory/Elective: Elective
Course workload: 45 h
Credits: 3
Syllabus: Application of Remote Sensing, Satellite Positioning System, and Cartography for the collection, visualization, and production of data about natural resources. Understanding the nature of geographic data and its sources. Manipulation of spatial databases and their spatio-temporal analysis for the assessment of landscape dynamics. Description of vector and matrix models for geological, hydrological, pedological, and fauna and flora data. Application of Geographic Information System programs to carry out georeferencing activities, analysis of land use, generation of terrain attributes, and conservation of watersheds. Application of a Geographic Information System for the analysis of spatial interactions in landscape ecology.
ASSAD, E.D.; SANO, E.E. Sistemas de informações geográficas: aplicações na agricultura. 2. Ed. Brasília: EMBRAPA-SPI, 1998. 434 p.
BLASCHKE, T.; KUX, H. Sensoriamento remoto e SIG avançados. 2. Ed. São Paulo: Oficina de Textos, 2007. 304p.
Burrough, P.A. Principles of Geographical information system for land resources assessment, Clarendon Press: Oxford. 1986.
CÂMARA, G.; DAVIS.C.; MONTEIRO, AM.; D’ALGE, LC. Introdução à Ciência da Geoinformação. 2. Ed. São José dos Campos: INPE, 2001.
FORMAN, R.T.T. & GODRON, M. 1986. Landscape ecology. Wiley & Sons Ed., New York.
JENSEN, J.R., Remote Sensing of the Environment: An Earth Resource Perspective. Prentice Hall. 2 edition, 2006. 608p.
JONES, H.J.; VAUGHAN, R.A., Remote Sensing of Vegetation: Principles, Techniques, and Applications. Publisher: Oxford University Press, 1° edition (2010), 400p.
LILESAND, T. et al. Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation , Publisher: Wiley; 6° edition (2007), 804p.
MIRANDA, J.I. Fundamentos de sistemas de informações geográficas. Brasília: EMBRAPA, 2005. 425p.
MÔNICO, J.F.G. Posicionamento pelo GNSS: Descrição, fundamentos e aplicações.UNESP. 2008. 689P.
NETELER, M. & MITASOVA, H. Open Source GIS: A GRASS GIS Approach. Publisher: Springer, 2008. 426p.
NOVO, E. M. N. Sensoriamento remoto: Princípios e aplicações. 2ª ed. Ed. Edgard Blucher Ltda. São Paulo, 1992. 363p.
PETERSON, G.N. GIS Cartography: A Guide to Effective Map Design, Publisher: CRC Press; 1° edition (2009), 248p.