Management and Conservation of Agricultural and Natural Resources

Professors: Karine Louise dos Santos, Cesar Augusto Marchioro, Júlia Carina Niemeyer, Patrícia Maria Oliveira Pierre Castro
Compulsory/Elective: Compulsory
Course workload: 75h
Credits: 4
Syllabus: Introduction to the use, conservation, and management of Agricultural and Natural Resources. Study of the convention on biological diversity and other related agreements and conventions. Analysis of legislation on the conservation and use of Natural Resources. Conservation unit systems. Assessment of strategies for the conservation of natural and agricultural resources. Relationships between natural resources, agriculture, and sustainability.


BOEF, W. S.; THIJSSEN, M.; OGLIARI, J.B.; STHAPIT, B. Biodiversidade e Agricultura: fortalecendo o manejo comunitário. 1. ed. Porto Alegre: L&PM, v.1. 2007. 271 p.
Novo Código Florestal Brasileiro. Lei nº 12.651, de 25 de maio de 2012.
CONVENÇÃO DA BIODIVERSIDAE (CDB). Decreto Nº 2.519, de 16 de março de 1998. (
CULLEN Jr., L.; RUDRAN, R.; VALLADARES, C. (Org.) Métodos de Estudos em Biologia da Conservação e Manejo da Vida Silvestre. Curitiba: UFPR, 2012. 652 pp.
DEAN, W. With Broadax and Firebrand: The Destruction of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Centennial Book. 1997. 504 p.
DIAMOND, J. Guns, germs, and steel: the fates of human societies. New York: W.W. Norton. 1997. 480p.
DIEGUES, A. C. O Mito moderno da natureza intocada. 6. ed São Paulo: Hucitec, 2008 . 198p.
FRANKHAM, R.; BALLOU, J.D. BRISCOE, D.A. Introduction to Conservation Genetics, 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. 644p.
OJASTI, J. Manejo de Fauna Silvestre Neotropical. Editora: Francisco Dallmeier. Washington D,C., 2000. 290 pp.
PIRATELLI, A.J; FRANCISCO, M.R. Conservação da biodiversidade: dos conceitos às ações. 1 ed., Rio de Janeiro: Technical Books, 2013. 272p.
PRIMACK, R.B. A primer of Conservation Biology, fifth edition. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, Inc, 2012. 349p.
SODHI, N.S.; EHRLICK, P.R. (eds). Conservation Biology for all. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. 344p.
SANTILLI, J. Agrobiodiversidade e direitos dos agricultores. Ed. Petrópolis, 2009. 514p.